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Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Khalid Slaimanrel


Anti-doping – refusal or failure to provide sample in an in competition test at a powerlifting event – admitted violation – stated only participated for fun and not intending to compete in powerlifting in future but intended to continue to pursue bodybuilding as he thought a suspension order would not prevent him – Tribunal advised athlete on cross code effect of suspension (suspension applies to sports other than powerlifting as it applies to sporting bodies that are signatories to WADA code) and advised he should take advice before participating in activities of any other organised sporting body – usual sanction of 2 years’ suspension reduced by 3 months to take into account delay not attributable to athlete between test refusal and notification by Drug Free Sport to athlete that they would refer matter to Tribunal – Tribunal suspended athlete from 22 June 2010 (provisional suspension date) until 22 March 2012.

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