Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Simeon Woolsey
Overview: Anti-doping - a member of a motorsport club admitted to ordering two prohibited substances from an online pharmacy - provisionally suspended without opposition -…
Overview: Anti-doping - a member of a motorsport club admitted to ordering two prohibited substances from an online pharmacy - provisionally suspended without opposition -…
Overview: Anti-doping - powerlifter based in Palmerston North tested positive for tamoxifen, a Specified Substance prohibited at all times - provisionally suspended without opposition -…
Overview: Anti-doping – Martial artist (ZH) admitted violations 2014 SADR 3.2 and 3.6 – Medsafe investigation into NZ Clenbuterol – online purchase of testosterone propionate,…
Overview: Anti-doping – cricket player (K) admitted violations of Sports Anti-Doping Rules (SADR) 2014 Rules 3.2 and 3.6 and SADR 2015 2.2 and 2.6 –…
Overview: Anti-doping - NBL basketball player (D) tested positive for prohibited substance tamoxifen - admitted violation - developed medical condition in 2011, which was sore…